
Therapy Box Ltd
Associations in London

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3 Amelia Close, South Acton W3 8EZ, London, Greater London.
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What you should know about Therapy Box Ltd

Associations in London, Physiotherapy in London, Rehabilitation in London, Home in London

Therapy Box is a leading London based multidisciplinary therapy service provider . We are a one stop shop for meeting your physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy needs. With the help of a team of qualified and experienced professionals in the fields of speech, physical and occupational therapy, you can be assured of finding a practicing therapist to meet your needs. Trade Bodies / Associations Health Professionals Council Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independant Specialist Services Therapy Box provides a unique service in the field of rehabilitation. Therapy is provided in your home or workplace, at a time convenient for you. We may also be able to help locate a dietitian, neuropsychologist or other health professional through our network of contacts in the field.

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