
T Cribb & Sons
Business Services in London

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10 Woolwich Manor Way, Newham E6 5PA, London, Greater London.
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What you should know about T Cribb & Sons

Business Services in London, Import Services in London, Business in London, Suit in London

T Cribb & Sons. It is for a more literal form of horsepower that the company has become equally renowned. And that's not all. T Cribb and Sons motor fleet is made up of two Rolls Royce hearses, two vintage hearses and six Rolls Royce limousines. Families have the option of selecting the coffin from a designated selection room or by viewing their extensive picture album. They also have made provision to suit the traditions, rites and customs of many different cultures and religions. Their services include chapels of rest for families to pay their last respects, but a range of additional services is offered such as comprehensive facilities for both religious and non-denominational services. Every funeral is unique in its own way and it is of paramount importance to T Cribbs and Sons. T Cribb and Sons is a family run partnership situated in Beckton and offers funeral services of high standards in East London and Essex including Ilford, Romford and Southend. This emphasis on tradition and traditional customs has culminated in the re-introduction of the Victorian horse-drawn hearse to the funerals of T Cribb & Sons. Tradition has played a key role in the day-to-day running of the business with great emphasis being placed on attention to detail and care for the families of the deceased. This commitment to excellence has earned T Cribb & Sons an unrivalled reputation for combining these values with a contemporary business approach. Throughout that time, trust and traditional values laid down by its founder, the five generations of this family-run business have built on the high standards, Thomas Cribb. Since it began in 1881, T Cribb & Sons has helped tens of thousands of people arrange funerals of all sizes and embracing all religions and cultures. T Cribb & Sons, Funeral Directors, is a family-run partnership that was established in 1881. Since they were re-introduced in the 1980s, their traditional horse drawn funerals are proving to be an extremely popular option.

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