
Restaurant in London

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2-4 Catherine Street Covent Garden WC2B 5JY, London, Greater London.
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What you should know about FishWorks

Restaurant in London, Fish and Chips in London, Seafood Restaurant in London, Restaurants - British in London

Where every plate starts with the freshest, sustainable fish from the morning's catch..Whether its on our chalkboard displays or from our classic menu, enjoy your pick from daily landings to piled-high Fruits de Mer. Indulge at one of London's best seafood restaurants with our scrumptious South Coast scallops and simply the best gourmet cod and chips you will ever taste. We offer a fantastic range of small-batch wines all hand-picked by master Sommelier Tim McLaughlin-Green and if that's not enough, our desserts are some of the best in town.
Seafood, Lobster, London restaurant, Fish, Wine, Champagne, A La Carte, Gluten free, Scallops, Oysters, Crab, Steak

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Opening timesOpeningClosing
Mondays to fridays

Opening times

M-Sa 12pm-11pm, Su 12pm-10pm

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