
Eltham Health Clinic
Health Insurance in London

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93 Eltham Hill, Greenwich SE9 5SU, London, Greater London.
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What you should know about Eltham Health Clinic

Health Insurance in London, Massage in London, Cans in London, Health in London

Our osteopathy specialists can help with back pain, frozen shoulders, muscle and joint pain, sciatica and trapped nerves, neck pain, arthiritic pain and stiffness and infantile colic. Private health insurance accepted. Gentle effective treatment by registered osteopaths. Osteopathy is the most frequently used complimentary therapy and was the first to gain statutory recognition so you know you are in safe hands we aim to improve your health and well-being, relieving pain and stiffness so that you can get back to enjoying life! Our clinic also offers podiatry/chiropody, massage and reflexology.

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