
Insurance in London

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First Floor, Millbank Tower, Westminster SW1P 4QP, London, Greater London.
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What you should know about Assetsure

Insurance in London, Home Insurance in London, Insurance Brokers in London, Home in London

Jewellery Insurance Watch Insurance Engagement Ring Insurance Insurance for Single Items Listed Building Insurance Blocks of Flats Insurance Niche Insurance available from Assetsure At Assetsure, we specialise in arranging niche insurance polices for hard to insure risks. Our jewellery policy provides cover on a worldwide all risks basis without excess. Recently we have added a new type of policy to our portfolio which provides insurance for single items of jewellery including watches and engagement rings. We have a wide range of property insurance contracts which will cover such things as listed building insurance, holiday and second home insurance, blocks of flats insurance, in fact almost any type of difficult to place risk. If you require any assistance with hard to place insurance risks, give us a call and we will be pleased to assist.

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